20230910 When parents come to a teacher and ask for tips on how to help their own child, they are hoping that I am capable of prescribing a miracle drug for them. By doing so, their child is going to be immediately “fixed”. Unfortunately, no teacher is God. I still do my best to give some practical tactics to try to help. I understand that you want things right for them. As a parent myself, I totally know where you are coming from. I would like to say “give your child more time”. If a parent is willing to accept this answer at all, I think it’s the best answer in most cases. If you may, give them time to grow, to mature, to learn from their own mistakes, to overcome their own laziness, to accept their own flaws. During this time, we too will grow to be a better parent. Love them and Be there for them. They will turn out to be just fine.
2023102 Why do we ask our kids to reach where we did not reach when we were at their age? I don’t know. I probably do that too as a parent from time to time. Parents believe that our kids are capable kids. However, we are not seeing their potential matching to their current performance. Parents start pushing, demanding and even nagging constantly. I frequently remind myself that they should get to choose too. I myself was given freedom of choices most of the time growing up. Things appear to work out okay for me. My parents provided me a set of moral compass in which they believe are right. Then pretty much they trusted me to make my own decisions under the guidelines. The students today are facing a totally different world compared to when we were growing up. Even more important than the scores is that they should know how make good choices. Let our kids learn from the consequences of their choices. I believe that they will become a stronger being from within. Give them the trust that your parents gave you. Your kids will make it, just like the way you did it.
20231015 Don’t let your kids waking up feeling hopeless! Despite the intense competition nowadays, it’s the most terrible thing that a kid waking up feeling helpless and hopeless. Kids resort to cheating, taking short cuts, compromising their integrity because they are so desperate. Are we part of the problems instead of the solutions? As adults, we should probably ask ourselves that question more often than we have been.